Private Performances

Redwood Jam performs music live, just for you.

There are two options available;

  • Keyboard Improvisation

  • Custom Show

Keyboard Improvisations

Witness the magic of real music improvisation.

Redwood Jam’s favorite style of music. He sits down at the keyboard and lets the music flow through. There are no plans. There is no song in mind. The music comes in the moment. It is the most free and intimidating style of music.

There are no right or wrong notes, only giving himself up to the spirit that leads. He acts as a conduit for whatever is creating the music. He is led to play exactly as he does, from moment to moment. He’s never sure what it’s going to sound like, or if the spirit will keep giving him music, but it always has, and he hopes it always does.

Custom Show

Work with Redwood Jam to plan a custom show to fit your needs. From cover songs to new creations, he can do it all, and is up for most challenges.

Combine your thoughts and desires with the creative artistry of Redwood Jam to bring a special private show to life.