Redwood Jam Policies

Recording Policy

No recording is allowed. Please refrain from recording Redwood Jam. This means all kinds of recording, especially audio and video recordings, and very especially spycams, hidden cameras, or phone recordings.


You can contact us through this website. We are not able to respond to all communications. We hope you understand.


If you provide any information through forms on our website, thanks. You can request your data be deleted at any time, and we will.

We do our best to keep data private. We don’t share or sell your data. We use it to contact you if there’s an opportunity, and we keep what’s required by law. Please be aware that information you provide may be accessed by unknown parties through means beyond our knowledge. We do ask that you be respectful of one another in this regard.

Returns and Refunds

We do not currently accept returns or offer refunds on merchandise or services.

Private Performances require down payment in full and are non-refundable, because of the effort and work required to produce the show, and because of the planning and travel costs associated.

Therefore, refunds are not available for any of our products, performances, or services.

What data do we collect?

Redwood Jam collects data you openly provide (such as name, e-mail address, message content, and billing information) through forms, mailing lists, and purchases.

Mysteries of Redwood Forest App - collects no user data.

Redwood Jam refrains from using cookies or analytics, though website provider does use cookies throughout this site.

Redwood Jam uses your information to communicate with you.

You may request your data be deleted, and we will delete it, except what is required by law for us to keep.

What info do we share?

We do not sell your data. We do not share data in a secretive way. Information may be shared to help provide the best product or service available.

For example: If a project involves multiple creators (composer, programmer, animator, video editor, audio mixer, graphic artist, QA testers, etc) information important to the project may be shared among these people, such as themes, design concepts, completed work, etc.

Customer Communication

Redwood Jam may use your contact information to get in touch with you at your request. You may opt-out of communication at any time.


Redwood Jam uses popular, well-known hosts and sites to operate and process your data.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

Our site is not intended for children under 13 years old. Redwood Jam does not knowingly collect information from children under 13. If you are under 13, please do not submit information.

Help children be safe online.

Song Ownership, Copyright, etc.

In all cases, Redwood Jam retains the full copyright, the producer’s and songwriter’s share, of all created music.

Please use this music appropriately. Which means, it’s just for listening (and there’re even rules about that…(unaffiliated link to ASCAP website.)

In particular, refrain from using any Redwood Jam assets, this includes art, music, videos, and games, mainly, in any of your own creations, especially those that generate profit in any form.

IF you’d like to license an asset, contact us to begin negotiations.

The current unnegotiated default licensing rate of any Redwood Jam asset is $10,000,000.00 (ten million) United States Dollars plus $1 per each view or play of the creation on any and all platforms or methods of interacting in perpetuity, subjected to a yearly inflationary rate of 3%, increased each year on January 1st, beginning in 2025.

Learn more about important copyright rules here (external link to website).

We may adjust these policies at any time.

Questions? Contact us here.