Private Listenings

Hear the best of Redwood Jam Recordings, currently not available online.

Redwood Jam constructs unique tracks using many different instruments, styles, and production techniques. There is a lot of variety in this music, and it is not for novice music listeners. This is thoughtfully created music that will push your boundaries.

Your options:

(mix and match any of the following)

MS BS Extra

This track was created with instrumental sections written early in Redwood Jam’s production career. There is intense experimentation with both instruments and production. Yet, it still has that Redwood Jam rhythm and feel that sounds like no one else. Good lucking fitting any of these songs into a certain genre.

track time: 1 hour 25 minutes 53 seconds


SSs is comprised on 19 thoughtfully composed, simple productions with multiple instruments each. From pads to drums, to guitars, there is a lot to like in this song, with sections inspired by Rameau, video games, and more, these sections are some of Redwood Jam’s personal favorites.

track time: 25 minutes 3 seconds

Nearly a Day of My Life

This track is nearly a day in length, coming in at over 15 hours long. It includes a vast amount of improvised-edited keyboard music, created while searching for relaxation. The sections are meant to calm, but yet there is a subtle, deep feeling of unrest that can’t be separated from them. The sections are like thoughts or moods that change, yet are all within the same framework, just like a day of my life.

track time: 15 hours 45 minutes 20 seconds


One song, featuring 100 sections of instrumental duets, that come at your in quick succession. There is little time for rest on this journey, as you teleport from music soundscape to music soundscape.

track time: 1 hour 48 minutes 44 seconds


This is 2x100’s sister, except this track features 86 sections of instrument trios. Sets of 3 instruments play together for a time, before making way for the next trio section. This is music for advanced listeners, who are looking for a music journey that transports them to many different universes of sound. Buckle up, and hold on tightly. Your ears are in for a trip.

track time: 1 hour 27 minutes 25 seconds

Songs with Vocals

No sample until current album is finished

Redwood Jam doesn’t just create instrumental music, he also writes songs and sings. These tracks are the most labor intensive, the results of many hours of editing. Care is taken to get everything just right. These are not simple one day productions, often the result of multiple days of recording and 10’s of days mixing. Nearly every instrument is altered, using all my skills with vocal tuning and timing, EQ, compression, reverb, special routing assignments, layers and whatever else is needed to pacify the inner voice’s liking. These are the culmination of my creative efforts. The absolute best music I can make at given time, while I continue to get better and better.

track time: varies based on number of songs. Individual songs are mostly 1 minute to 4 minutes long.